Care services for infants of 7 mths to 2.0 yrs were started in year 2019. It’s the most beautiful program being run by Deeksha. We take one child at a time. Process of admission includes a number of meetings between …
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A concept based program for the Two years+ children. Concepts are described through playway and structured classroom settings too. Primary objective of this program is to assist in smooth transition from home to preschool. Our focus is on providing warmth …
Day Care
Daycare unit comprises of an active program focussed at the overall development of the children in the best possible way. Utmost care is taken to make it an efficient and effective program which gets well reflected in the testimonials and …
Playschool activities for kids
While the first two years of a child’s life are spent in the creation of a child’s first “sense of self”, most children are able to differentiate between themselves and others by their second year. This differentiation is crucial to …
Charunidhi Tomar , Holiday Expert, Mumbai.
I have had the pleasure of knowing Jaya H Mani personally for 4 years now. Jaya comes across as a warm and compassionate human being with a knack ofhandling kids in the most lovable manner. She is one of the …
Tanuja Tirodkar , Mumbai Assistant Professor
2 nd AUGUST 2015 was the day. when RUYA joined Deeksha .She was 1yr 10months old.But the Convenor/Head Dr Jaya Mani assured me to relax as ruya was in safe hands.She was true to her words. Initially Ruya cudnt adjust …
Chetan Chavan , Mumbai Founder-GerminatiSportz
Our daughter joined Deeksha at the age of 1 year 6 mths. We have observed higher allocation of staff, ensuring one to one personal attention to each kid and personal bonding between the kids and with Deeksha staff. Their stand …
–Neha & Deepak Agrawal , Mumbai Founder-Openminds
We have witnessed wonderful all round development in our child under the guidance of the entire team of Deeksha. Teaching personal grooming (potty training, learning to eat on their own, dress and undress, etc) to kids may sometimes become nightmare …